Cute Girl’s Tiered Mini Skirt & Wego Spectator Shoes

This cute girl with trendy oversized glasses and a polka dot scarf in her hair is Wakana, a 17-year-old student. She’s wearing a gray graphic t-shirt with slit sleeves and a short white tiered mini skirt. Her accessories from ByeBye and Tutuanna include a wide black patent leather belt and a chunky stone necklace. Her black-and-white spectator oxford shoes are from Wego and her brown leather purse is from XOXO (aka Kiss Kiss).

We asked Wakana about her favorite shop and music was Panama Boy and Radwimps. You can find out more about Wakana on her blog.

Tiered Mini Skirt & Wego Spectator Shoe

Oversized Glasses & Chunky Stone Necklace

Polka dot scarf hair bow

XOXO leather purse

Large circular rings

Specator shoes & ruffled socks

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  1. Amazing style, cute & chic at the same time! ^.^