Harajuku Girls in Dark Coats w/ Resale Items, Uniqlo & Adidas

We met these two students in Harajuku recently and we found out that they’re both 19 years old.

Aoi is the girl pictured to the left, with a bow on her head. She is wearing a resale sweater, bottoms and maxi coat, an Adidas backpack and resale Nike sneakers. She told us her favorite singer is Yuki.

Harukas is the taller girl, with red hair. She is wearing a Uniqlo turtleneck with a mini skirt and a black coat on top. She accessorized with a blue necklace, gold rings, nail art, a clutch and socks with ankle strap shoes. She told us she likes shopping at Sly Lang and listening to Flumpool.

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