Japanese Girl in Panama Boy Top & Red Dress

This cute 19-year-old Japanese girl calls herself Nacha Bear. She’s accessorized her checked gingham shirt from Panama Boy with a lace collar and blue ribbon. Her resale red and white polka dot dress is trimmed with lace. A white floppy hair bow in her long wavy hair auburn matches her white tights. Her vintage white purse is a hand-me-down and her pointy red shoes are resale. We are definitely feeling the Lolita vibe in this outfit, but we aren’t sure if it’s considered Classic Lolita or maybe Sweet Lolita?

Cute Japanese Dolly-kei girl in a gingham shirt and red dress

Japanese girl with wavy auburn hair & floppy hair bow

Dolly-kei girl with lace collar and floppy hair bow

White tights and pointy red shoes

Vintage white purse and Panama boy shirt

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  1. Ah! She looks just like a little doll! So kawaii~
    I love the Lolita fashion, so this is perfect. <3

  2. maybe…country lolita? read that somewhere, and with the picnic style gingham, it could be considered that, although this could just be a figment of her imagination. this is why it’s so hard to label outfits!!! grrrr…:P

  3. I would say no sweet no classic, but more otome style. :)