Toga Maxi Dress, Remade Denim Jacket & OTOE Platform Sneakers

This cool girl with a camera is Kyoko, who’s 21 and works at the Calvari hair salon. Her outfit from Toga (her favorite shop) includes a chiffon maxi dress with a jacket remade from a cardigan, a denim jacket and fleece sleeves. She’s also wearing lace tights and platform sneakers from OTOE.

We asked Kyoko about her favorite fashion sources and her favorite music and she said she likes vintage stores and The Dø. If you read Japanese you can follow her on Twitter.

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  1. Love her haircut and the color
    But Im more interested in the girls in the back of the first photo XD

  2. Her jacket and tights are so cool. Hair color, too!

    xx maggie

  3. AllisonMoore

    ユサ Oh yes! The girl on a background the cute

  4. There’s something very interesting about this girl.. especially loving the hair and the dress!

  5. Josephine

    yeah i like the girls in the background more jx