Harajuku Girls in Atarashii Gakkou No Leaders Socks, Vintage, Resale, Oh Pearl & Chinatown Fashion
In Harajuku, we came across these trio of girls who know their Dragon Ball poses. They are Mawoni (left), a 15-year-old student; Yumi (middle), a 16-year-old student; and Nanase (right), a 14-year-old student. Let's take a look at what they're

Colorful Harajuku Decora Fashion w/ 6%DokiDoki, Mikazuki Momoko & Panda
This blue-and-pink-haired girl is Nodoka, a young student we spotted in Harajuku. She's wearing colorful Japanese decora fashion - including an oversized bow as well as several decora hair pins on her bangs. We also noticed her colorful and kawaii