Harajuku Girls w/ Braided Hair in Denim Outfits w/ Fig&Viper, Bershka, Chanel, Zara & Sango Items
We met these two denim-wearing girls in Harajuku, and this is what we found out about them:
Red Kristine is pictured here to the right, with braided tails and a backwards cap. She is 15 and she’s a high school student. She is wearing a denim bustier over a white sweater, which she got at Fig&Viper and Bershka. Her acid wash jeans with a heart cutout are from Fig&Viper. Her white heels are resales, and her accessories include pieces from Chanel and Bershka. She likes shopping at Phenomenon, Fig&Viper, Elvira and Nike, and she told us she’s a fan of EDM, Big Bang and Taylor Swift. Find her on Instagram for more information.
YusaYusa is pictured here to the left. She is also 15 and she’s a student. She’s wearing a Bershka denim jacket over a Zara top and ripped jeans from Backs. Her heeled shoes are from Sango and her golden accessories are from WEGO. YusaYusa likes listening to BugLug.
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