Tokyo Mens Maxi Coats Streetwear w/ Marithe + Francois Girbaud, AnkoROCK, Avirex, Jean Paul Gaultier, Gucci, Nike & Rolex
Catching our eye on the Harajuku street one late afternoon are Rikuro, Tomoki and Ken - a trio of teens sporting stylish menswear street fashion. At the left we have Ken, an 18-year-old student sporting a messy ash brown hairstyle.

Harajuku Friends in Colorful Streetwear w/ Nieuw Jurk, Little Sunny Bite, Supreme & Moschino
We spotted a group of stylish youngsters clad in eye-catching colorful ensembles while out and about in Harajuku. On the left is Rio Monster with the blonde slicked-back hairstyle and oversized yellow glasses. Rio wore a printed jacket and matching