Tokyo Vintage Street Styles w/ Rodeo Crowns, Lui’s, Marc Jacobs & Dr. Martens
Here are Suzu and Mitsumi - two 19-year-olds with impressive street styles in Harajuku. On the right is Suzu, who wore a dark blue Rodeo Crowns shirt dress with long sleeves and white lettering on the front. She styled it

Colorful Vintage Harajuku Street Style w/ Kinji, Ficce, San-Biki No Koneko, Daiso, Thank You Mart, Seven Days & Claire’s
Brightening up the streets of Harajuku were Wasabi and Miochin, who stepped out in colorful ensembles. On the left is Wasabi in a black Kinji jacket with a multicolored print and red trims. The 17-year-old student wore it over a