Buttstain Anti Fashion Street Styles in Harajuku w/ Tall Striped Top Hats, Polka Dot Shorts, Zebra Jacket, Dragon Backpack & Converse Sneakers
Catching our eye on the Harajuku street one early evening are Seki and AZ of Buttstain Anti Fashion wearing retro skate inspired fashion consisting of bold prints. At the left sporting long hair is AZ, whose ensemble consists of a

Dog Town Denim Overalls, M.Y.O.B. NYC Top, Adidas Headband & Nike Sneakers in Harajuku
While walking on the street in Harajuku, we came across Yuuta, a 23-year-old Kinji vintage shop staff who caught our eye with his denim overalls fashion. Yuuta's outfit consists of an M.Y.O.B. NYC orange sweatshirt, denim overalls from Dog Town,

Yoshi’s Harajuku Skater Style w/ Vintage Smiths T-Shirt, Converse & Ralph Lauren
While wandering the streets in Harajuku, we spotted 14-year-old Yoshi riding his skateboard. Yoshi is becoming one of Tokyo most famous young fashionista lately, so he was easy to recognize. Yoshi's street style features a vintage Smiths band t-shirt, Ralph

Harajuku Skater Girl w/ The Birthday Tee, Undercover & Vans TNT5 Sneakers
We spotted Chiba on her skateboard in Harajuku and she was nice enough to stop for a few quick pictures. Chiba is wearing a band t-shirt featuring the Japanese garage rock band The Birthday with RNA jeans. Her backpack is