Sporty Casual Style in Harajuku w/ Nerdy, H&M, Givenchy, M+RC Noir & Supreme x Nike Air Max 98 Sail Sneakers
While taking a leisurely stroll along the streets of Harajuku one morning, we came across Yuki, an 18-year-old beauty school student whose outfit easily caught our eye. Sporting blonde hair, Yuki is dressed in a purple track jacket with contrast

Harajuku Teen Streetwear Styles w/ Pinnap, Bubbles, WEGO, Gucci & Bershka
We spotted a trio of 17-year-old students clad in stylish outfits while wandering down the streets of Harajuku. On the left is Aina, who donned a WEGO black bomber jacket over a WEGO top. She styled them with pants that