Tokyo Mens Style w/ NeonSign Backwards Wide Leg Jeans, NutEmperor Crocodile Leather Jacket, Barragan NYC & Hurley Leather Boots
While out and about on the streets of Tokyo’s Harajuku neighborhood, we ran into Sojun, a Japanese college student.
Sojun is dressed in a blue crocodile leather jacket from Nut Emperor, a light blue hoodie sweater and sheer tattoo shirt, both of which are from Barragan NYC. He paired his tops with baggy Neon Sign by Asuka Hayashi denim pants worn backwards and stepped into lace-up leather boots from Hurley. Multiple silver hoop earrings and a red leather belt are the finishing touches to his striking ensemble.
Radd Lounge is one of Sojun’s favorite brands and he is active on Instagram.
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