Balmung Fleece Dress & Tabi Socks in Shinjuku

We met 19-year-old Chiharu in Shinjuku and were struck by her unique outfit. She’s wearing an oversized fleece hoodie dress from Balmung that features a large zipper down the front and gold lame sleeves. On her feet are traditional Japanese tabi socks from MM. Accessories include a wooden Mickey Mouse pin.
Balmung Fleece Dress & Tabi Socks in Shinjuku

Fleece dress w/ gold lame sleeves

Hoodie dress w/ gold sleeves

Tabi socks from MM

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  1. Wow!! (*゜▽゜ノノ゛☆
    Her shoes are amazing! d(@^∇°)

  2. interesting.. I like the dress, the golden sleeves and her socks looks like she was doing some painting job haha, I like them as well…

  3. gold sleeves。。。amazing!i love this blouse cutting