Blue-Haired Japanese Girl in Nike x Cassette Playa Jacket & Martin Margiela Tabi Boots in Harajuku

These two cute and stylish Japanese girls were photographed near LaForet in Harajuku. The girl with the blue hair is wearing a Nike x Cassette Playa varsity jacket, a fuzzy hoodie, a black top, an Opening Ceremony skirt, stockings, and those amazing Martin Margiela tabi boots. Her handbag – with fabric safety pinned to it – looks handmade. The other girl is wearing a knit scarf, knit sweater, long dress, and sparkling red flats. Her cute handbag also has a handmade look to it.

Two Cute & Fashionable Harajuku Girls

Nike x Cassette Playa varsity jacket

Knit Scarf & Cool Hair in Harajuku

Martin Margiela Tabi Boots

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  1. jesika lin

    aw i used to safety pin designs from old tee shirts onto my purses like that! super cute blue hair. i wish i could get some tabi boots…

  2. I love it !!!! Her blue hair are very beautiful !

  3. I love the blue hair girl’s look, except I’m not so sure ’bout the boots haha :D anyway she’s very stylish