Matching Tokyo Boylesque Dancer Street Styles w/ Dolly Noire, Cookman, Polo Ralph Lauren, Adidas & Anatometal
We spotted Kazushi and Genchan at Bunka Fashion College in Shinjuku, Tokyo, Japan. On the left is Japanese patisserie chef and boylesque dancer Kazushi with bright green hair. He donned a zip-up hooded jacket from Dolly Noire over a Polo

Harajuku Streetwear Styles w/ Smarty Trench Coat, Ikumi Furry Maxi Coat, PPFM, Demonia, Dolly Noire, Diddlediddle, Adidas & Anatometal
Here's Kazushi and Gen-chan, two boylesque performers who we are always happy to see around the streets of Harajuku. At the left is Kazushi, a patissier who is dressed in a long black trench coat from Smarty, which he styled