Panama Boy Sleeping Kitty & WC Fuzzy Paw Slippers

This cute Japanese girls is a 14-year-old junior high school student named Saya. She got our attention with a long sweater from Panama Boy featuring a sleeping kitty pocket appliqué. She’s also wearing fuzzy slippers that look like big cat paws from WC by Chinatsu Wakatsuki (which is also her favorite fashion brand).

Saya’s accessories, some of which are from the Kinji resale shop, including a KC (“Kansas City”) baseball cap, fuzzy pink earmuffs, plastic jewelry and a troll pin. Her distressed denim backpack is from Panama Boy.

We asked Saya about her favorite music and she told us it’s the Okinawan rock band Orange Range. She also invited us to check out this website.
Panama Boy Sleeping Kitty & Fuzzy Paw Slippers

Kansas City cap & fuzzy earmuffs

Pink fuzzy earmuffs & KC cap

Panama Boy distressed denim backpack

Happy face ring

Troll pin

WC by Chinatsu Wakatsuki fuzzy paw slippers

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  1. shes cute but her outfit seems like something you would wear around the house, minus bag and hat that is.

  2. Adorable! The only way it could have been better is if the kitty appliqué’s feet hung loose so you could play with them when you’re bored..

    Or maybe that’s just something I’d do… ^^;

  3. Omg, this is what I’ve been searching for!
    I can’t find any online!
    Best ones ever! How can I order a pair????

  4. Schezerade

    i’m fourteen and can only dream of dressing half as cool as she does.