Pink Hair & Green Hair in Harajuku

These three friendly people posed for us at the intersection of Takeshita Dori and Meiji Dori in Harajuku. They definitely had a Japanese punk fashion vibe going on – at the least, the two on the left did. The guy has pink hair, patterned pants, and black leather boots. The girl with green hair is wearing white short shorts, striped tights, and leather boots. The guy has a spiderweb belt buckle and the middle girl has a black cat belt buckle. If you look around, you’ll also notice spiked wristbands, a bullet necklace, finger tattoos, a hat, and plenty of piercings.

Striped Tights in Harajuku

Pink and Green Japanese Hair

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  1. I just read some article here… it’s very interesting, but I don’t want description of what they’re wearing ! I can see it in the picture already, I’m not blind , thank you very much ! I prefer to know the writer’s opinion and the person in the picture…

  2. dayana matsumoto

    wow…these people look like the characters straight from the Nana manga by Ai Yazawa

  3. i love love the outfit of the girl in the middle i just might try that hahaha

  4. i wish i could get a closer look at the guy’s piercings!!