Remake Outfit w/ Neon Graphic Tights & Oversized Bag in Tokyo
Miho is a 19 year old student of the Nippon Beauty Academy. You might remember her from a previous post, in January, when she was in Harajuku with a friend. This time we met her in Shinkuju, wearing pastels and an oversized bag.
Miho is wearing a white dress over a sky blue long sleeve, both of which are remakes. She has a white beret, matching bag and H&M silver flats. Her white tights have neon pink graphics printed, and she’s wearing two layered necklaces, one of which is a large gold kanji character. She told us she got her accessories at Mouse, and that her favorite shop is Barrack Room.
You can find Miho on Twitter if you’d like to learn more about her.
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