Sarueru Pants & Knit Sweater in Shibuya
These two 18-year-old Japanese guys were photographed in Shibuya. The guy on the right – the one sporting what looks like an 80s Pompadour-inspired hairstyle – said that his entire outfit came from vintage/resale shops. He’s wearing black and white glasses, a blazer over a collared shirt, Sarueru (Japanese for “drop crotch”) pants, and black leather combat/work boots. He said that his favorite places to shop for clothing are resale shops in Tokyo. The guy on the left is wearing a hat, glasses, scarf, a knit sweater with wide stripes from a resale shop, jeans from the Japanese brand Dorobou-Nikki, and black leather boots. Like his friend, he too said that he prefers to shop at vintage and resale stores for his wardrobe.
When asked about music, the guy on the right told us he listens to Shiina Ringo. The guy on the left likes the American rock band Set Your Goals.
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