Short Green Hair, Galaxxxy Jacket, Polka Dots & Platforms in Harajuku
When we met 16-year-old “Watson” in Harajuku, she told us that she’s a cosplayer. Her short mint green hair is what first caught our eye.
Watson’s oversized graphic jacket is from the hip Japanese brand Galaxxxy. She’s wearing it with a Forever 21 top, Sly shorts, sparkling tights, colorful socks, and cute Bodyline strappy platforms. Accessories – some of which came from Heaven and Earth, Tiffany and Bulgari – include red headphones, rings, a lion head necklace, and a polka dot clutch (to go with her polka dot nail art).
Watson told us that she enjoys shopping at Monomania, Wall, and Glad News. She enjoys the music of vocaloid. For more info and more pics, follow Watson on Twitter and Instagram.
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