Paporin Purple Plaid Kawaii Street Styles in Tokyo w/ Twin Tails, Daiso Rainbow Bag, Pleated Skirts, Kinji Harajuku, Seria, Yosuke & CS T&P Shoes
Easily catching our eye while walking along the streets of Tokyo are Moma and Saranrappu, two 16-year-old Japanese students who are both sporting purple kawaii street styles. At the left sporting a twin buns hairstyle is Moma. She is dressed

Japanese Idol’s Kawaii Street Style w/ Decora Accessories, Troll Earrings, Handmade Jacket, 6%DOKIDOKI, Yoshida Chanel, ACDC Rag Fuzzy Shorts & Candy Platforms
Sporting an eye-catching, colorful streetwear style in Tokyo is Rikutama, a 19-year-old student and Rainbow Panic idol group member we bumped into. This evening, Rikutama stepped out in a handmade peach cropped pajama jacket over a white t-shirt and colorful

Japanese Trio’s Dark Harajuku Street Styles w/ Vampire Fangs, Spiked Chokers, Spider Ring, Azul by Moussy, Pink Latte, WEGO, Le Tanneur, Anap & Demonia Tall Boots
Sporting eye-catching all black styles on Harajuku's Cat Street one evening is this trio of teens. They are Keetaa, Rina and Yuu. At the left most side is Rina, a 17-year-old student. She is dressed in a black sweatshirt with

Tokyo Decora w/ Colorful Hair Clips, Smiley Face Leg Warmers, Disney Store Toy Story Jacket, Polka Dot Skirt, & Handmade Bag
Easily catching our eye with her colorful kawaii style on the streets of Tokyo is Purinchan, a 19-year-old part-time worker. Purinchan stepped out in a Toy Story printed jacket from the Disney Store, which she wore over a neon green

Harajuku Vintage Street Style w/ Polka-Dot Dress, Oh Pearl, Kinji, Louis Vuitton Bag, Bubbles Open-Toe Heels
We spotted Ponponnu, a 14-year-old whose striking red outfit easily caught our eye on the Harajuku street. Ponponnu stepped out on the street dressed in a vintage red dress with black polka dots and a bow collar, which she styled

Colorful Vintage Harajuku Street Style w/ Kinji, Ficce, San-Biki No Koneko, Daiso, Thank You Mart, Seven Days & Claire’s
Brightening up the streets of Harajuku were Wasabi and Miochin, who stepped out in colorful ensembles. On the left is Wasabi in a black Kinji jacket with a multicolored print and red trims. The 17-year-old student wore it over a