All Black Japanese Streetwear w/ Tenga T-Shirt, Dickies Shorts, New Rock Strap Shoes & BlackMeans Knuckle Duster Lighter Holder
We met Atsushi, a 16-year-old teen whose street style easily caught our attention on the Harajuku street. Sporting teal hair underneath his black newsboy cap, Atsushi is dressed in a black t-shirt with blue "Love Me Tenga" center print from

Japanese Teen Streetwear w/ Undercover, BlackMeans, John Lawrence Sullivan, Gogosing, Chrome Hearts, Bubbles & Vintage
While on the streets of Tokyo's Harajuku neighborhood, we came upon this group of teens wearing eye catching streetwear styles. At the left is 17-year-old Rion, who is dressed in a monochrome print button down shirt and black skinny cropped