Avant-Garde Harajuku Street Styles w/ Iconic Vivienne Westwood Rocking Horse Shoes, Anglomania Chaos Top, Vintage Satchel, Red Veil, Wire Crown, Monster Shoes & Floral Headpiece
Standing out in Harajuku across Tower Records Cafe is a group of statement-making streetwear personalities who are familiar faces on our Harajuku street snaps. From left to right they are: Takashi, Motoka, Paladini, Ohshi Uemoto, Kifujin and Michelle. Let's take

Harajuku Girls Streetwear Styles w/ One Spo, More Than Dope, Yosuke, Burberry, Zara & Demonia
In Harajuku, we met this trio of girls all sporting eclectic streetwear styles that easily caught our eye. At the left sporting an ombre-colored hairstyle, Gina is clad in a black cropped pocket vest from One Spo, which she wore

Harajuku Girl w/ Blonde Pixie Cut, RNA Bomber Jacket, Kappa Pants, & Buffalo Tall Platform Shoes
We spotted beauty school student Momoka, who stood out with her cropped blonde hair and tall platform shoes. The 19-year-old donned a black RNA bomber jacket adorned with patches over a red plaid button-down shirt and a black-and-white striped top.