Red Duffle Coat & Leopard Print Hat in Harajuku

This 21-year-old Japanese guy and 22-year-old Japanese girl were photographed in Harajuku. The guy’s name is Yuppi and he works at Kinji. Most of Yuppi’s outfit – which includes a leopard print hat, glasses, neck warmer, oversized jacket, and baggy shorts – was purchased at vintage and resale shops. The exceptions are his Union Jack-print shoes, which are George Cox creepers.

The cute blonde girl is named Manapyon and she’s also wearing mostly vintage/resale items. Her outfit includes a red duffle coat, several layers of tops, a long full skirt, and leather shoes (or boots). Her accessories include a pair of My Melody ear muffs, a lace and knit head dress from the brand MXE, and a bag covered in a cute teddy bear print.

Harajuku Street Style

Leopard Print Hat in Harajuku

Pretty Blonde Japanese Girl

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  1. Bean_the_Curtain_Queen!

    They both look really miserable (doesn’t kill to smile :D) and he looks completely uninterested :| Also don’t really like there style, its groovy that they are doing there own thing, but looks like they have dressed in the dark, but not in the good way! (Also is that a dead animal round his neck?! Gross!)

  2. the girl looks great….!!!! even tho it looks kind of weird….great going..!!!

  3. Is there magic in the air when they pass by?
    Nice pick of wares you two.
    Very interesting and your personality oozes from it.