Blonde Japanese Schoolgirls in Shibuya
Just a quick update with some street fashion pictures taken yesterday in the Shibuya area of Tokyo. These three blonde Japanese schoolgirls were walking on Shibuya Koen Dori, toward Yoyogi Park. They were nice enough to stop and pose for a few photos for Tokyo Fashion.
These girls’ fashion, hair, and makeup are all very Shibuya-esque. It’s an extreme schoolgirl look – big blonde hair, untied pink tie, school uniform unbuttoned at the top, sweaters tied around their waists, lots of dangling accessories from their bags, long painted nails (the girl in the middle at least), keitai in hand, penny loafers, and even loose socks on two of them. Japanese girls still wearing loose socks in 2009? Yes. Amazing, but true.
These girls were extremely friendly when we approached them and asked for photos and they made several cute poses for the Tokyo Fashion camera. Because they were heading toward Yoyogi on Koen Dori, it’s possible they were on their way to meet some friends.
In the old days, when the ganguro and yamanba used to roam Shibuya in packs, large groups of them could often be found on or near Shibuya Koen Dori where it connects Shibuya to Yoyogi Park – hanging out, smoking, practicing para para (dancing), or just relaxing. Sadly, those days are now gone, but at least the loose socks live on.
More Japanese street fashion updates soon.
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