Harajuku Kid Honey Supply Vintage Street Style w/ Sons & Daughters Sunglasses, Vintage Levi’s, Emilio Pucci Tote & Ugg Fuzzy Slippers
While out and about in Harajuku, we bumped into Rino, the 7-year-old Japanese student we often meet on the street. She is a model for Honey Supply, a vintage kids fashion shop in Tokyo’s Machida neighborhood. Sporting an odango hairstyle

Pink Twin Tails Harajuku Street Style w/ FR2 RoboCop T-Shirt, GYDA Cutout Jeans, Hotel New York & Ugg Fuzzy Slippers
Standing out on the streets of Tokyo's Harajuku neighborhood was Hikaru AKA Hikapu - a popular Japanese model - with pastel pink twin tails. The FR2 staffer is dressed in a light pink RoboCop print t-shirt from FR2, which she

Harajuku Streetwear w/ Blue Twin Tails, Cross Necklace, (ME) Harajuku, 24Karats Sweater, Balenciaga Sling & Ugg Sneakers
Catching our attention on the street is 16-year-old Shiori with blue-tipped twin tails. Shiori stepped out in a black outfit, which consists of a graphic print sweater from 24Karats, tucked into resale black pants, which she styled with a graphic

Lingerie As Outerwear Styles w/ RoseMarie Seoir, Jenny Fax, AkikoAoki, Keisuke Kanda, Rinrinka & Tokyo Bopper
While walking on the street in Harajuku, we met Nana (left) and Yurie, who works in apparel. They caught our eye with their pastel nightwear as outerwear styles. Nana's purple look features a vintage purple robe over a white belted

Pink-Tipped Hair, Fuzzy Flip Flops & Etsuna Otsuka Accessories in Harajuku
Merumo is a friendly girl - with long pink-tipped hair, partially braided and adorned with flower pins - who we sometimes see around the streets of Harajuku. She works at the resale shop Don Don Down Wednesday. You might remember