Candy Stripper & Max Star Converse Sneakers
This super-cute girl is Miiba, a 19-year-old company employee. She’s wearing her long hair in double odango buns. Her outfit consists of a short striped dress with a dropped-waist gathered skirt under a Candy Stripper t-shirt. Her Max Star Converse-like high-top platform sneakers, worn with the perfect thigh-high socks, are from Shibuya 109. (Note: We aren’t sure if these are real Converse, like the Nadia platforms, or copies of the Nadia Converse high tops. They say “Max Star” on the side.)
Accessories include a moon and star earring, a silver crown ring, a heart ring from 6%DokiDoki and a pink leather bracelet from RNA. Her cool suede bag with long fringe is from Free’s Shop.
When we asked, Miiba told us her favorite fashions come from Candy Stripper and RNA. Her favorite type of music is K-pop.
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