Fall Colors in Tokyo 2011 Pictures – Harajuku, Shinjuku & Aoyama
It’s the second week of December, which means extreme winter cold in some parts of the world. But here in Tokyo, we’re still experiencing the end of Autumn. Many trees in Tokyo are covered in golden leaves – even while Christmas decorations are going up all over town. Over the last few weeks as we did our usual wandering around Tokyo, we shot a bunch of “fall colors” pictures to share the beauty of the leaves in Tokyo with those of you far from Japan.
The pictures below were mostly shot in Harajuku, Shinjuku, and at the famous Icho Namiki (Ginkgo Avenue) in Aoyama. For the photography geeks (like us) – some of the pictures are three exposure handheld HDR, and all of the photos were shot with a Canon 5D Mark II camera.
Enjoy the fall colors in Tokyo! Please click the pictures to see them in high resolution (as they look much better big).
Click any of the fall color pictures to enlarge them.
If you’d like to see even more of Fall Colors in Tokyo, also check out this video that we made while taking the above photos:
Check back soon for our Tokyo Christmas videos and pictures!
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