Kawaii Monster Cafe Harajuku – Featuring the Monster Girls

Tokyo’s famous Harajuku neighborhood is getting a new landmark – the Kawaii Monster Cafe!

The Kawaii Monster Cafe – opening on August 1, 2015 – aims to capture the spirit that made Harajuku the most famous street fashion neighborhood in all of Asia, while at the same time creating a never-seen-before experience to overload the senses. Japanese art director Sebastian Masuda – known worldwide for creating Kyary Pamyu Pamyu’s music video visuals and running the iconic 6%DOKIDOKI “kawaii anarchy” boutique – created over-the-top visuals in Harajuku’s largest cafe space, including a giant functional merry-go-round, neon animals in a dream forest, a bar from under the sea, oversized sweets, and much more.

In addition to five different themed areas, Harajuku’s largest cafe Kawaii Monster Cafe will also star five different “Monster Girls”, each with a unique personality and costumed by Tokyo-based stylist Misha Janette. The Harajuku Monster Girls are sweet Baby, the willful Dolly, the happy Candy, the sexy Nasty, or the moody Crazy.

The five themed areas of the Kawaii Monster Cafe are described by art director Sebastian Masuda as:

A cake merry-go-round: the Kawaii Monster Cafe’s symbol and a great spot for a Harajuku photo.

Mushroom Disco
A large forest with colorful, poisonous-looking mushrooms and plants from outer space covering the area overhead.

Milk Stand
Giant rabbits, sheep, and unicorn heads with a large number of baby bottles. A crazy baby room where animals drink milk.

Bar Experiment
The bar counter is surrounded by large jellyfish twinkling suspiciously. This is the experiment room for the adults that lurk at the bottom of the sea.

Mel-Tea Room
Led by the ants, once you go past the sugar signposts, you’ll be greeted by a tea party full of giant melting ice cream, chocolate, and macarons.

The Kawaii Monster Cafe – produced by Diamond Dining and Sebastian Masuda – is located on the 4th floor of YM Square Harajuku, across the street of LaForet Harajuku. The cafe will be open daily from 11.30am – 10.30pm. Check the official website and the official Instagram for more info, news, and pictures!

Kawaii Monster Cafe Harajuku Video


Kawaii Monster Cafe Harajuku Pictures

Click any of the Kawaii Monster Cafe pictures to blow them up!

Thank you to Sebastian Masuda, Diamond Dining, and all of the Monster Girls for allowing us to shoot the Kawaii Monster Cafe!

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  1. Pingback: Kawaii Monster Café Opens In Harajuku - The Snobette

  2. Omg! A monster cafe, that’s pretty cute cafe. It’s so colorful & very cute monster cafe.

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