Harajuku Girls in Milkfed, American Apparel, H&M and Converse
Here are two Japanese girls both wearing a similar tan/beige color palette. The auburn-haired girl on the right is Natsu, a 19-year-old student. She's wearing a comfortable looking sweater from American Apparel with white shorts, also from American Apparel. She's

Harajuku Resale Style w/ Furry Purse & Converse Sneakers
Meet Marina, a 17-year-old Japanese high school student that we spotted on the street in Harajuku. Marina is wearing an outfit made up almost entirely from items that she bought at resale shops. Her coordinates include a white dress over

Nincompoop Capacity Designer in Remade Clothing
Pictured here is Hashi-O, a 27-year-old designer for Nincompoop Capacity (a hipster Japanese shop and brand in the Kitakore building in the Koenji area of Tokyo). Most of his clothing items are from Nincompoop Capacity and have been remade, including

Monomania & Converse vs. Uniqlo & Body Line
We spotted this trendy couple in Harajuku. The guy on the left is a 15-year-old student name Kaede. On top he’s wearing a Monomania logo t-shirt with a Kingsley Mask hoodie. On the bottom he's wearing animal print shorts (also

Guy in Robe, Fur Stole & Leather Cap
This is 24-year-old Momo. His outfit includes a traditional long black robe, black pants and white sneakers from used clothing stores. His t-shirt is from Cospa. He’s wearing wire-rimed glasses, a single earring made from a leaf and has a