All Black Menswear Street Style w/ Paul Smith Satin Shirt, Alfredo Bannister Zipper Boots, Skeleton Earrings, Apple AirPods & Chained Tea Bottle
Here's Sei Kanisawa, a 17-year-old student whose all black streetwear style easily caught our eye on the Harajuku street. Sei is dressed in a long sleeve satin shirt from Paul Smith, which he tucked into his pants and layered with

Leather Jacket, Skulls Top, Espadrilles & Apple Clutch in Shibuya
Here are a friendly girl and guy we met on Shibuya Center Street in Tokyo. The guy's outfit features a leather motorcycle jacket over a Pink Floyd "Animals" t-shirt, black jeans and black leather boots. His clutch has an apple

80Kidz x The Shoes at Apple Shibuya
Tuesday night at the Apple Store in Shibuya, the Japanese electro band 80Kidz did a free concert to promote their recent album "This is my Shit!" The show was part of Apple Shibuya's "Summer Music Nights" series of free concerts.

iPhone 3GS Tokyo Launch Photos
Today was the launch of the new Apple iPhone 3GS in Tokyo and even though it's only sort of fashion related, we decided to stop by the Omotesando Softbank store and take a few pictures for TF readers. The Omotesando

Japanese Nokia Smart Phones Cancelled by DoCoMo
DoCoMo, Japan's biggest mobile phone company, announced on Monday that they are canceling the launch of the Japanese Nokia smart phones that they had previously announced. The reason for the smart phone cancellation is because Nokia announced last week that