Japanese Anime, Akihabara & Otaku Fashion in Harajuku w/ Las42018 Tee, Handmade Anime Pants & Anime Figure Accessories
We met 20-year-old Kamisugiruneko - who told us that he love Akihabara, games, and anime - on the street in Harajuku. His purple hair and subculture fashion caught our eye. Kamisugiruneko's Japanese otaku-inspired fashion features a t-shirt by Japanese subculture
Tokyo Streetwear Styles w/ LAD Musician, Comme des Garcons Homme Plus, D.TT.K Puffer Coat, Dulcamara, Maison Margiela & Alexander Wang
Easily catching our eye at Bunka Fashion College in Tokyo are Nagi and Ryoya striking ensembles. At the left is 21-year-old Ryoya sporting a blue-and-white ensemble. Ryoya is dressed in a vintage white windbreaker with a 1980 Time Magazine "King
Harajuku Girl Street Style w/ Mezzo Piano, Innocent World, Super Dollfie & Baby, The Stars Shine Bright
We came across 23-year-old office worker Riz, with a similarly dressed companion in Harajuku. She stepped out in a pale pink printed top with white trims and a checkered ruffle skirt - both of which are from Mezzo Piano. Riz
Purple Hair, Borders Skirt & Black Parasol
This is Nimu, an 18-year-old student with purple streaked hair that caught our eye. Her ruffled black chiffon top was a gift from her mother. Her black cotton and lace skirt is from Borders. We love her chunky black pumps