Fashionable Japanese Guy in Banal Chic Bizarre Leather Jacket & Tokyo Bopper Boots in Harajuku
Hey everyone, it's Li Lium! We see Li Lium around Harajuku all of the time. He was working at WEGO on Takeshita Dori, though we're not sure if he still is. No matter where he's working, Li Lium is a

Day Break Harajuku Street Style Japanese Guy
This 22-year-old Japanese guy told us that his name is 10Mo8 (prounounced TO-MO-YA) when we photographed him in Harajuku. He works at the Japanese resale clothing shop Kinji, which has a shop in Harajuku not too far from where these

Achievers x Banal Chic Bizarre Fashion in Harajuku
This very fashionable 20-year-old Japanese guy was photographed in Harajuku. Like these two stylish guys we posted previously, he works at the WEGO store on Takeshita Dori in Harajuku. He's wearing a studded black conductor style hat, several layers of

Helmut Lang, Ato & Kris Van Assche in Harajuku
These two fashionable Japanese guys in their early 20s were photographed on Cat Street in Harajuku. The guy on the right works at Helmut Lang, and both his skinny black pants and his bracelets are from the brand's collection. His