Cocolulu is a Japanese brand that's synonymous with the "gyaru" fashion culture. Unlike other brands that cater to this scene, Cocolulu (sometimes known as Cocolulu by CO&LU) has changed its brand concept very little over the years. Since its launch

Anap is a popular Japanese fashion brand that specializes in clothing for young women. The brand's name is sometimes associated with "Shibuya" and "gyaru" style, and it is a popular brand at Shibuya 109, but that's not all it offers.

Giza is a Japanese fashion and accessory brand run by DJ and singer Mademoiselle Yulia. It specializes in jewelry and other accessories with an ancient Egypt theme. Giza was started by Japanese DJ/singer Mademoiselle Yulia in the spring of 2008.

HellcatPunks Religious Themed Display in Harajuku
Just a quick photo update to share an interesting window from LaForet Harajuku. The display was created to promote the latest fashion by the popular Japanese punk fashion brand HellcatPunks. It feature several Western religious items - candles, a chalice,

RNA is a Japanese fashion company which manages several popular fashion brands for both men and women - as well as running a chain of more than 26 fashion boutiques throughout Japan. RNA was founded in 1984, and is currently