World Runway 2011 – Pictures From Singapore’s Global Fashion Faceoff Event
Here's a special report from Kai in Singapore, with photographs by Wesley & Nicole Kow, on the recent World Runway fashion event. World Runway 2011 was held on Sunday, September 18, 2011 at Singapore Indoor Stadium. Billed as "the world's

“Shibuhara Girls” Reality TV Show on MTV
The real Harajuku Girls - and Shibuya Girls - are coming to MTV! And this time, it won't be in a music video. MTV International has announced a new reality series called "Shibuhara Girls" - their first ever reality TV

Coming of Age Day in Tokyo – Pictures
Today - Monday, January 11, 2010 - is Coming of Age Day (Seijin no Hi) in Tokyo. That means that walking in Harajuku you're likely to see quite a few 20-year-old Japanese girls dressed up in furisode Kimono on their

Harajuku Christmas Pictures 2009 – Part 2
Welcome to another in our series of Tokyo Christmas 2009 photo walks. The basic idea is that we walk you around Tokyo, shooting pictures and explaining where we are and what we're seeing as we go. In the last walk

Design Festa #30 Fashion Pictures
Design Festa, the biggest art event in all of Asia (yeah, you have to say that every time), was held again recently in Tokyo. The late October event was Design Festa #30, and the 15 year anniversary of its founding.

Tokyo Chic: Foreign Models in Japan Tell (Almost) All
One of TokyoFashion.com's favorite blogs right now is HORA Confessions. It's written by two non-Japanese models living and working in Tokyo. The blog gives you an insider's view of a foreign model's life in Tokyo. The updates alternate between being

Versace Withdraws From Japanese Market, Sources Say
According to an article on Yahoo Japan (via J-Cast), the Italian luxury fashion brand Versace has quietly withdrawn from the Japanese market. The article, currently available only in Japanese, says that Versace closed all four of their directly-managed Japanese stores

House of Holland Skinny Pants in Harajuku
This Japanese guy was walking down Cat Street in Harajuku listening to headphones when we caught him. His outfit is bright and colorful and seems to be 1980s inspired. The skinny pants are by House of Holland and feature an

Diesel Japan X Weathercast
Diesel Japan has an interesting advertising campaign going on right now called Diesel X Weathercast. The ads are in the style of a television weather report. They have several videos on their website with fake extreme weather reports from various

Bright Red Boat Shoes & Flowers
This Japanese guy and girl were photographed in front of a plant store in Harajuku. They were smiling and making funny faces for our camera. The guy with the cool hair is wearing a dark blue collared shirt buttoned to